FAQs regarding the potential sale of the school and land to Linden Grove School
What type of school is Linden Grove? For more than 30 years, Linden Grove School (LGS), a private, not-for-profit, has provided specialized learning for k-8 students with autism and related learning needs.
Since 2003, LGS has provided these services in our school building. As enrollment at the school has grown, LGS has increased from using some of the classrooms to utilizing the entire school, part of the undercroft, and additional modular buildings on the property. See https://www.lindengroveschool.org/ for more information about the school.
Is Beacons of Light the reason we are considering selling the property? No, Linden Grove first approached St. Saviour about their need to expand in 2017. We have had ongoing discussions with LGS since that time.
Why are we considering the sale of land and school building to Linden Grove now? Linden Grove continues to see a significant demand for their services. The school maintains a sizable waitlist for their program and has expressed their need to move forward with their expansion plans. If we decide not to sell the land at this time, Linden Grove may seek property elsewhere leaving St. Saviour with a vacant school building and the related costs for a period of time. Linden Grove has been a model tenant for over two decades. Selling the land to Linden Grove allows them to advance the positive work they do in our community and allows us to select them as our permanent neighbor.
Another reason why we are considering selling the land is that the property under consideration is rarely used. For many years, its most significant use has been for festival parking. In addition, the Crescent Parishes have several excellent gathering spaces already at our disposal including a gym at Nativity School and the St. Saviour undercroft. For these reasons, our parish family appears to have little need for the land. Selling the land would allow us to avoid the ongoing maintenance cost for the property.
What happens next? Finance Commission formally approved moving forward on the property sale process to LG on 4/17/24. If the proposal is approved by Parish Council, a recommendation will be made to Fr. Pat and a second appraisal will be obtained. Fr. Pat will then submit the documentation to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati (AOC) on behalf of our parish. From there, it would go through the Archdiocese’s approval process. If approval is granted, negotiations could begin with the potential buyer. Anyone of these groups could require a number of changes or decline the recommendations to sell. This process will take a minimum of several months.
How much land does Linden Grove wish to purchase? Linden Grove wishes to purchase approximately 5.2 acres total - 1.5 acres where the school building sits plus 3.7 additional acres. A rough outline of the area under discussion is outlined and shaded below. As illustrated below, Fr. Dauwe Hall and the barn are unaffected.
Where will we park for the festival? We have already talked to Linden Grove about using newly constructed school parking areas on their campus (assuming the property sale occurs) for our festival. We may be able to obtain permission to park at other nearby locations such as Deer Park High School or Dillonvale shopping center. Plus, there is plenty of nearby street parking.
Is it true that we are considering residential development on that land? No, we are not considering the sale of the property for residential development. We have already obtained the first of two appraisals required by the AOC when considering the sale of property. In order to ensure good stewardship of parish assets, the Finance Commission contacted developers to assist us in ascertaining the market value of our property (while clearly stating that the property is not on the market.)
What will we do with the proceeds of the sale? Proceeds of the sale will be placed in the Saint Saviour savings account, a variable rate Archdiocesan account currently paying 3.2% per annum.
Do parishioners have any input? Yes! Parishioners are asked to complete feedback forms that will be available at mass the weekend of September 7-8, 2024. Completed forms can be dropped into the collection basket or returned to an usher. If you are not able to complete one of the feedback forms at mass, you are still encouraged to share your opinion or ask questions by speaking with a member of Pastoral Council or Finance Commission or e-mailing your comments and questions to [email protected]. We request all feedback to be submitted by September 9, 2024.