Face it: You’ve got stuff at your home that you don’t use any more. St. John needs that as donations for our rummage sale. It’s on Aug. 17 this year.
Gather it: Look in drawers for things you don’t use. How about rosaries, holy cards, a spare Bible or small crucifix? Kids loved getting those at the festival.
Admit it: you don’t fit in those pants any more. Don’t keep them because you might lose weight some day. Donate them, and when you DO lose weight, celebrate: buy a few new ones. Same goes for baseball caps and sweatshirts. And do you really need those extra T-shirts, sneakers and purses? Or neck ties and necklaces?
What about small furniture such as end tables or folding chairs? A camera? Take the chip or film out, then donate it. Stuffed animals? Christmas décor? How about plates, coffee mugs (they breed in the dark, you know), corkscrews, oven mitts and mixing bowls? CDs and DVDs?
Parishioners throughout the Family chip in their time and treasure. We need volunteers to help with setup on weekday evenings starting Aug. 5. We’ll spend an hour or two a night. We laugh, we sort, we laugh, we price, we sort some more.
Call/text Pam Young with questions, (513) 378-2829. Ask what we take or don’t take. Ask if we can pick up stuff. Your newly roomy home will thank you.