Friday, September 1st - 6 pm - 11 pm
Saturday, September 2nd - 6 pm - 11 pm
Bid n’ Buy: If you’re interested in making a donation please contact Crys Schmidt.
Basket Raffle: If you’re interested in making a donation to the Basket Raffle please contact Patti Newberry.
Wine & Bourbon Donations: We are taking donations of wine and bourbon for the Wine & Bourbon Ring Toss! Donations can be dropped off at the Nativity parish office or in the back of the Nativity church. We are looking for around 75 bottles of bourbon and 100 bottles of wine. To ensure we have enough quantity/ type of bourbons please click here for the Bourbon Sign Up! Any wine donations are welcome!
NEW Cornhole Tournament: We will be running a cornhole tournament on Friday & Saturday from 7-9 pm. $50 per team, 20 teams, single elimination. Prizes will be paid out Split the Pot style. Sign up for the tournament here. If you have questions or need more information please contact Tim Reichling.
Tear Down: Festival tear down will be on Sunday September 3rd starting at 9am until we are finished. If you are interested in helping out simply show up or contact Alison Gable.
Now for the most important part … we need your help! Please sign up to volunteer.