I write on the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, this past Monday. Most know that I love to sing and the hymn I chose for Mass was “Sing a New Church.” The refrain of the upbeat hymn is:
Let us bring the gifts that differ And in splendid, varied ways Sing a new Church into being One in faith and love and praise.
During the homily I spoke about what had to be the experience of Simon and Jude and all the Apostles. Negatively, they felt doubt, powerful fear, reticence, resistance and even anger. For, in some ways, Jesus appeared to be jettisoning some major essentials of Judaism and inviting them to let go of so much, turning their lives upside down.
Positively, they experienced thrill, rejoicing, inspiration, freedom and joy that far outdistanced the negatives. They would go on to do all the great things Jesus did, heal the sick, forgive the sinner, teach with inspiration, unite God’s people and foster a nascent Church. Beacons of Light, a New Church Beacons of Light brings the same for us. Just like it was for the Apostles, the negative feelings will be powerful and overshadowing at first. To imagine all of our parishes dying seems blasphemous and shocking. To recognize that one, two or three of our buildings will no longer be our church buildings is heartbreaking…all of this in some two and a half or more years! Yet, in ways we can’t even imagine, we ourselves will foster a new Church among us, bringing apostolically amazing thrill, inspiration, new life and joy! The Need for Prayer I want to re-echo Deacon Royce, our Director of Evangelization, in his bulletin article exhortation weeks ago that we must begin to pray better and in earnest for the calling that lies before us.
Prayer will help us bear the cross of so many negative feelings. Prayer will help us begin to build a vision of a new and awesome Church, that our one, new parish will bring about.
Soon, the prayer below will be in all of our worship aids, just as our vocation prayer is. As that happens, we will begin praying it before and during liturgies in place of the vocation prayer, most weekends. As well, parishioners will be given cards with the prayer. Please pray the prayer at least once daily making Beacons of Light in General and Crescent Parishes in particular central in our lives.
Beacons of Light Prayer Seeking God’s Wisdom and Guidance
Let us pray, O God of Love, you have not abandoned your people in the times of transition and change that Beacons of Light brings. As we enter this new season of life with excitement and anxiety, we recall the grace of your deep compassion and abounding love. We thank you, O God, for guiding us through the hills, mountains, and rough places that have challenged us to remain faithful. Let us this day acknowledge our need for the light of Jesus to shine upon us ever more brightly so that we never forget your everlasting love. We ask this through Christ our Lord.Amen.
A New Church Already Beginning through Stewardship Also, as a sign of that new Church coming into being, please read the following stewardship week report from staff member Meg Anderson. May the great response of good stewards in our parishes inspire us that a new Church is coming into being.
Sincerely and with Love in Christ, Fr. Pat
Stewardship Weeks Report
Dear Crescent Parishioners,
I would like to express my gratitude for your participation in our Stewardship of Talent and Treasure weeks this September!
This year, over 185 parishioners stepped forward to express their interest in various Liturgical Ministries, including Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Altar Server, and Choir. It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Morning of Reflection! Additionally, more than 250 parishioners showed interest in one or more of our Crescent Family Outreach Ministries, and we received numerous inquiries about serving in leadership roles on our councils and commissions. We are also incredibly thankful for those who currently serve, have served in the past, and continue to lead our committees!
Our ministry leaders have been informed of your interests and are actively reaching out to connect with you about how you can get involved.
As our Stewardship efforts continue to evolve and grow in Jesus within our Crescent Parishes, I am excited to share that this year our Spanish-speaking parishioners from Holy Trinity and families from Nativity School also participated in our Stewardship Weeks.
While the number of parishioners eager to engage in parish life is outstanding, one of the greatest blessings for me has been the conversations I’ve had with those joining new ministries, forming connections, and deepening relationships within our Crescent Family. This spirit of community and shared purpose is the foundation of our Stewardship weeks, where we come together to share our time, talent, and treasure with gratitude for the many gifts we have received. Together, we are furthering the Kingdom of God, and I am especially grateful for the incredible stewards our Crescent parishioners are!
Please stay tuned for more information about our Stewardship of Time, which will occur during Lent. If you feel called to join a ministry, serve on a committee or explore more opportunities to engage in parish life, please remember that these opportunities extend beyond our Stewardship weeks. You are welcome to fill out a Stewardship card at any time to express your interest; these are available at the church doors or on our website at crescentparishes.org/stewardship.
Thank you once again for your dedication and commitment to our Crescent Family!