Thank you to everyone who submitted names to be considered in naming our parish.
The Parish Leadership Team, with input from all five Pastoral Councils, will study this list (along with the submitted reasons for consideration) and discern their top 5 choices.
We expect this process to take 4-6 weeks.
Parishioners will then have the opportunity to share your feedback on the five finalists before the final decision is made on our new parish name.
Below is the complete list of submissions:
Compiled 5/15/2024
83 Parish Names Submitted
Acts of the Apostles
Ave Maria Parish
Blessed Family
Blessed Mother of Our Lord
Body of Christ
Catholic Saints of God
Catholic Saints of Our Lord
Children of God
Christ the Church of the Redeemer
Corpus Christi
Crescent: Our Lady of the Crescent (Moon)
Crescent: St. Crescent
Disciples Parish
Divine Mercy
Emmaus Parish
Fatima Parish
Guardian Angel
Holy Angels
Holy Apostles
Holy Family
Holy King
Holy Mary, Mother of God
Holy Rosary
Holy Spirit
Hope of Christians Parish
Life of Christ
Lord of Nations
Mary Mother of All Nations
Mary Queen of Angels
Mary Queen of Heaven
Mary Queen of Hope
Mary Queen of Peace
Mary Undoer of Knots
Mother of Christ
Mother of Unity and Hope
New Life Parish
Our Father Parish
Our Lady of Angels
Our Lady of Everlasting Peace
Our Lady of Good Hope
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Peace
Our Lady of Perseverance
Our Prince of Peace
Pray for Wisdom Parish
Precious Blood (of Christ)
Queen of Peace
Rejoice Join Save New Trail
Roman Saints of God
Sacred Heart
Saint Frances Cabrini
Savior of The World
Spirit of Pentecost
St Honore
St. Augustine of Hippo
St. Gabriel
St. Hope
St. Irenaeus
St. John Paul II
St. Josaphas
St. Joseph, Defender of Life
St. Josephine Bakhita
St. Justin Martyr
St. Katharine Drexel
St. Maria Goretti
St. Mark the Evangelist
St. Martin de Porres
St. Mary Frances of the Five Wounds of Jesus
St. Mary Magdalene
St. Padre Pio
St. Patrick
St. Paul
St. Peter Claver
St. Raphael, the Archangel
St. Sebastian
St. Stephen's Journey
St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa)
Sts. Faith, Hope, and Charity
Sts. Zelie and Louis Martin
Transfiguration of Our Lord Parish
Twelve Apostles
Unity Catholic Church