With great joy and enthusiasm, we extend a warm welcome to the 30 new families who have recently joined our Crescent Parishes! Their presence brings unique gifts, talents, and perspectives that enrich both the Church and our community! As we embrace our new parishioners, it’s essential to reflect on what it truly means to be a welcoming Crescent Family. While our dedicated greeters and ushers play a crucial role, fostering a welcoming environment is a responsibility that each of us is called to embrace wholeheartedly.
Fr. Pat continues challenging us to “up our game” regarding welcome and hospitality. Leading by example, he encourages us to take the initiative to get to know each other better by striking up conversations with those we may not have met before, asking questions such as, “How long have you been a parishioner?” Additionally, he motivates us to sit in different places during Mass, providing opportunities to engage with others and form new relationships.
Furthermore, being a welcoming Family isn’t solely about making guests and newcomers feel at home; it’s about cultivating a sense of belonging and community for all. Richard Lane shared this insight during our recent Mission. It’s a call to embody the love and hospitality of Christ in all our interactions, whether at Mass, Crescent Family events, or in our daily encounters.
Recently, a heartwarming story of the transformative power of welcome was shared with me by one of our parishioners, and it truly encapsulates the essence of our welcoming community here at our Crescent Parishes.
A few days ago, a St. Saviour couple was leaving church after Mass when they noticed a group of women engaged in prayer. Recognizing them as new faces in our parishes, they approached with open hearts to extend a warm greeting and introduce themselves. What unfolded was a beautiful exchange of hospitality and connection.
These women, coming from various countries to study nursing in Cincinnati, currently reside in Extended Stay hotels. Being away from their families for 2-3 years poses significant challenges for them. Their journey to Mass, a 45-50 minute walk each way, speaks volumes of their dedication to their faith! The couple offered them a ride, seizing the opportunity to learn more about their stories along the way. Through conversation, they shared that they had been attending Mass at different churches in the area, but it was the warmth and generosity they experienced here at Crescent Parishes and St. Saviour that truly touched their hearts. They expressed how welcomed and embraced they felt by our community.
In this wonderful example of welcome extended to our new friends, we see a shining example of the inclusive spirit that defines our Crescent Parishes. It is through acts of kindness, and extending a friendly greeting, that we create a space where all are valued and cherished members of our Family. Let us continue to embody this spirit of welcome, embracing all who enter our doors with open arms and hearts overflowing with love and generosity!
In my next article, I will share more about the power of personal invitation and will introduce a tool to help us invite people to engage in Crescent Family Parish life!
With Gratitude and Blessings,
Meg Anderson
Director of Stewardship & Outreach