Leadership Discernment
I am in the process of contacting some Crescent Parishioners who will be
new leaders on pastoral councils, finance committees, liturgy commissions, and education commissions. These representative and evaluative groups help to lift up the voice of God’s people in our parishes and communicate that voice to the pastoral staff. In addition, they bless us with their recommendations, and they evaluate programs and approaches in our parishes. As leaders transition over the next months, I give thanks to the outgoing members of St. Saviour and Nativity finance committees: Marcia Sunnenberg (St. Saviour), Todd Immell (chairperson), and Brad Resch (Nativity.) Be sure to thank them for their service!! Over the next weeks, after the June pastoral councils meeting, I will put in the bulletin a complete listing of pastoral council members who have finished their term so that we can give them our thanks.
Nativity’s Live Stream
Nativity live streamers know that we have had difficulty with the live stream for over a year. When the staff person who set up the system took another job, we were left without the institutional knowledge we needed to run the live stream. Even as we have been able to make some fixes, problems persist. Until we can offer a better and more consistent experience we are taking the Nativity stream offline. Crescent Parishes Mass times that are currently available to stream online include:
• Resurrection: Sunday 10 AM
• Holy Trinity: Sunday 9 AM
• Holy Trinity Spanish Mass: 2nd and 4th Sunday 11 AM
• St. Saviour: Saturday 4:00 PM, Sunday 8:30 AM, and
Weekday Masses at 8:00 AM (M, T, TH, F)
Opportunities for Generosity/Love in Action
The Bond Hill Food Pantry is in need of a van, since their van was totaled in a hit-skip accident weeks ago. If you have or know of a van that is for sale or even better, to donate, the pantry would be most blessed. Please call a parish office and leave your name and number. Also related to the Bond Hill Food Pantry is the Crescent Garden, the produce from which will go to the Bond Hill Food Pantry. You can support the Crescent Garden by sponsoring St. Saviour parishioner, Joy Landry as she runs for the garden this summer. Joy is a generous worker at the garden and is aware of the improvements that are needed, for example, a simple automated irrigation system. Combining her generosity as a volunteer at the garden with a love for running, parishioners can pledge an amount per mile for her June, July, and/or August runs.
Thanks, Joy, for inspirational and creative service and leadership, and thanks to those who are great stewards pledging for Joy’s runs or donating outright to the garden!
Beacons of Light Yearly Report
This past Monday, two weeks early, we submitted our yearly Beacons of Light report to Archbishop Schnurr. The comprehensive report about how well Crescent Parishes achieved the benchmarks of the six principles of the Beacons of Light Pastoral Planning Pathway was a joint effort of several staff persons. Readers of the bulletin have seen the times I have
listed the bullets of our Beacons successes, which I will continue to do from time to time. Pastoral council members receive an updated listing of those monthly. I am proud of staff and parishioners!! We have met most all but one of those benchmarks, needing only a staff stewardship coordinator and a team of parishioners to serve on a stewardship commission. Far above and beyond the benchmarks, we are doing things most parish families are not. A few of these include:
• Sharing a very strong sense of unity and identity
among Crescent Parishes, with the possibility of St.
Crescent being the name of the one parish we will
become in four years
• Having combined monthly staff and pastoral council
• Sharing staff members across more than one office
• Uniting two parish offices
• Re-naming our offices as Crescent Parish Office,
South, Central, and North
• Having many united liturgical and social gatherings
Thanks to staff members, Pathways Planning Team Members, and the many understanding and sacrificial parishioners who are making such successes possible! We are blessed indeed!